Blu-ray Disc 108 mins IMDB 7.6
PG-13 (Parental Guidance)
The Bourne Supremacy
Universal Studios (2004)
In Collection

Seen It:
Thriller, Action
USA  /  English

Matt Damon Jason Bourne
Brian Cox Ward Abbott
Marton Csokas Jarda
Joan Allen Pamela Landy
Gabriel Mann Danny Zorn
Franka Potente Marie
Julia Stiles Nicky
Karl Urban Kirill
Tom Gallop Tom Cronin
Oksana Akinshina Irena Neski
John Bedford Lloyd Teddy

Director Paul Greengrass
Producer Frank Marshall; Doug Liman; Patrick Crowley
Writer Tony Gilroy; Robert Ludlum
Cinematography Oliver Wood
Musician John Powell

Super spy Jason Bourne returns in this sequel to the "Bourne Identity." Bourne and his girlfriend are living in India, hiding from the CIA and authorities. A hit man tries to kill the couple, but succeeds only in murdering Bourne's girlfriend, Marie. This event jolts Bourne out of hiding. He leaves India, unaware of the reason for the attempt on his life. It is later revealed that the hit man was working for a corrupt CIA official, Ward Abbott, and a Russian mobster. This CIA official wanted Bourne dead in order to frame him. If anybody tried to find Bourne, they'd be chasing a ghost. Jason, still suffering from amnesia, eventually discovers he was once a pawn in the CIA. He had been involved in a killing which was outside the knowledge of the CIA authorities. This scheme to use CIA agents for personal gain and murder had been hatched by the corrupt CIA official Abbott, along with help from the Russian gangster. Ultimately, Bourne succeeds in figuring out the frame job. He sets up Abbott with a confession on a tape recorder. Abbott commits suicide, and Bourne slips under the radar once again. In a thrilling car chase set in Russia, Bourne meets up with the hit man who killed his beloved Marie. Although it isn't clear whether the hit man died, Bourne walks away, content that he's gotten some level of justice. Bourne meets up with the daughter of 2 people who he previously killed. These 2 people were eliminated by Bourne, but he thought he was acting on behalf of the CIA. In reality, he was actually acting on orders from the corrupt CIA man Abbott. He apologizes to the girl, and then slips away to set up the possible third movie in this series.

Edition Details
Edition The Bourne Trilogy
Barcode 025195055550
Region Region 1
Release Date 1/27/2009
Packaging Keep Case
Subtitles English; French; Spanish
Audio Tracks DTS 5.1 [French]
DTS 5.1 [Spanish]
DTS [English]
Layers Single Side, Dual Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Matching Identities: Casting. Keeping it real. Blowing things up. On the move with Jason Bourne. Bourne to be wild:Fight training. Crash Cam: Racing throught the streets of Moscow. Anatomy of a scene: The explosive bridge chase scene. Scoring with John Powell. The Bourne Mastermind. The Bourne Diagnosis.