DVD 113 mins IMDB 6.1
R (Restricted)
Psycho 2
Universal Studios (1983)
In Collection

Seen It:
Horror, Thriller, Mystery
USA  /  English

Anthony Perkins Norman Bates
Vera Miles Lila Loomis
Meg Tilly Mary Loomis
Robert Loggia Dr. Bill Raymond
Dennis Franz Warren Toomey
Hugh Gillin Sheriff John Hunt
Claudia Bryar Mrs. Emma Spool
Robert Alan Browne Ralph Statler
Ben Hartigan Judge
Lee Garlington Myrna

Director Richard Franklin
Producer Bernard Schwartz; Hilton A. Green; Hilton Green
Writer Tom Holland; Robert Bloch
Cinematography Dean Cundey
Musician Jerry Goldsmith

What do you do with a murderous, schizophrenic psychopath in the modern age? Why, you rehabilitate him then let him loose, of course! Normal Bates (Anthony Perkins), the serial killer from Alfred Hitchcock's horror classis "Psycho" has been in a psychiatric facility for over twenty years receiving treatment. He is, at long last, declared "sane" and no longer a threat to society, then he is released, despite the protests of Lila Crane (Vera Miles), the sister of one of his victims. Having nowhere else to go, Norman returns to the home that started it all, the Bates Motel, and takes a job as a short-order cook, where he meets Mary (Meg Tilley). Pretty soon, though, Norman starts getting messages from "Mother," not just in his head but in written notes and on the phone. When Mary needs a place to crash after a fight with her boyfriend, Norman takes her in, but is he truly rehabilitated, or will he give in to "Mother's" wishes again?

Edition Details
Barcode 018713810342
Region Region
Chapters 18
Release Date 1/26/1999
Packaging Snap Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Subtitles English; French; Spanish
Audio Tracks Dolby Surround [English]
Dolby Digital Surround [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Features Not Specified