DVD 106 mins IMDB
NR (Not Rated)
Power Rangers S.P.D. #3: Wired - Wired
Buena Vista (2005)
In Collection

Seen It:
USA  /  English

Alycia Purrott
Brandon Jay McLaren
Matt Austin
Chris Violette
Monica May
John Tui
Barnie Duncan
Kelson Henderson
Michelle Langston
Rene Naufahu

Director Britta Johnstone; Mark Beesley
Producer Greg Aronowitz
Writer Jackie Marchand; Bruce Kalish

S.P.D. To The Rescue With Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, And Something True Blue!

Don't miss an all-out alien search-and-destroy mission that turns things grim as Emperor Gruumm goes for Commander Cruger once and for all! Never before have the Power Rangers had to rely so much on their special might, unity and training to stay wired in the battle against evil. Old enemies arise and new powers surprise as S.P.D. defends earth from a seismic catastrophe, a secret supernatural stone, and demons from the past. It's Megazord madness and a thrill a minute as the rise and fall of the universe hangs by a thread!

Edition Details
Barcode 786936282702
Region Region 1
Release Date 9/6/2005
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Layers Single Side, Dual Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

The Power Rangers Want You (With Sky Tate)

Flight Simulator (Level C)