DVD 119 mins IMDB
UR (Unrated)
The Chronicles Of Riddick
Universal Studios (2004)
In Collection

Seen It:
Drama, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller, Action
USA  /  English

Vin Diesel Riddick
Keith David Imam
Nick Chinlund Toombs
Alexa Davalos Kyra
Judi Dench Aereon
Colm Feore Lord Marshal
Thandie Newton Dame Vaako
Linus Roache Purifier
Karl Urban Vaako
Yorick van Wageningen The Guv

Director David N. Twohy
Producer Vin Diesel; Scott Kroopf
Writer Jim Wheat; Ken Wheat

In this movie we find out what happened to Riddick after his disapperence in Pitch Black. We find Riddick doing the usual living rough and being chased by bounty hunters. Riddick must travel to see an old friend in New Mecca who seeks Riddicks help in fighting the dreaded Necromonger army. We also find that Riddicks friend "Jack" has been locked up in a fiery prison called Crematoria. Named as such because the surface temperature reaches over 700 degrees. If you step outside during "sunrise" you are cremated. Riddick must first save "Jack" whose new name is Keera from first the prison and then from the hold of the Necromonger army. Riddick journeys back to New Mecca to confront the leader of the Necromongers and to fight for Kerras very soul and for revenge for his friend. But will Riddick succeed, or will the unstoppable Necromongers counquer Ridddick as well?

Edition Details
Edition Director's Cut
Barcode 025192632426
Region Region 1
Release Date 11/16/2004
Packaging Snap Case
Screen Ratio Theatrical Widescreen (2.35:1)
Subtitles English; French; German; Spanish; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital 5.1 [French]
Dolby Digital 5.1 [Spanish]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Closed Captioned Commentary Deleted Scenes Game Making Of... Scene Access Color Closed-captioned Widescreen Dolby
Personal Details