DVD 96 mins IMDB
Camp Nowhere
Buena Vista (1994)
In Collection

Seen It:
Comedy, Adventure, Family
USA  /  English

Donzaleigh Abernathy Dorothy Welton
Jessica Alba Gail
Paige Andree Jill
Mooky Arizona Arnold
Ray Baker Norris Prescott
Maryedith Burrell Gwen Nowicki
Bobette Buster Drama Mom
Nathan Cavaleri Steve
Ian Christopher Scott Warren
Heather DeLoach Eileen
Christopher Lloyd
Wendy Makkena
Jonathan Jackson

Director Jonathan Prince
Producer Michael Peyser; Andrew Kurtzman
Writer Andrew Kurtzman; Eliot Wald
Cinematography Sandi Sissel
Musician David Nessim Lawrence; Kelly Neill; Peter Rafelson

Morris "Mud" Himmel (Jonathon Jackson) faces the same problem every summer: his parents want to send him off to the latest fad summer camp, forcing him to endure a boring summer at a boring camp. When his friends all realize that they are being sentenced to the same fate, they enlist the help of unemployed drama teacher Dennis Van Welker (Christopher Lloyd). Van Welker goes to each child's parents, posing as the head of different camps to satisfy each set of parents. Suddenly, the kids are free to enjoy a summer doing whatever they want: playing video games, eating whatever they want, and all in all, having a great time! Will their plan work, or will their parents catch on to their sneaky trap?

Edition Details
Barcode 786936209624
Region Region 1
Chapters 12
Release Date 8/5/2003
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Widescreen 1.85:1 Color (Anamorphic)
Audio Tracks ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Surround [CC]
SPANISH: Dolby Digital Stereo
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Features Not Specified