DVD 113 mins IMDB 6.6
PG-13 (Parental Guidance)
What Dreams May Come - Special Edition
Universal Studios (1998)
In Collection

Seen It:
Drama, Fantasy, Romance
USA  /  English

Robin Williams Chris Nielsen
Cuba Gooding Jr. Albert Lewis
Annabella Sciorra Annie Collins-Nielsen
Rosalind Chao Leona
Jessica Brooks Grant Marie Nielsen
Josh Paddock Ian Nielsen
Lucinda Jenney Mrs. Jacobs
Maggie McCarthy Stacey Jacobs
Werner Herzog Face
Matt Salinger Reverend Hanley
Max von Sydow The Tracker
Wilma Bonet Angie

Director Vincent Ward
Producer Scott Kroopf; Ronald Bass; Barnet Bain; Stephen Simon
Writer Ronald Bass; Richard Matheson; Ron Bass
Cinematography Eduardo Serra
Musician Michael Kamen

Where most people's stories end, Chris Neilson's (Robin Williams) story is just beginning. After tragedy strikes his family not once, not twice, but three times, he finds himself in the afterlife, living in a world based on a painting of his wife's, Annie Neilson (Annabella Sciorra). Chris encounters different people in his afterlife, many of whom appear familiar to him, such as his friend, Albert Lewis (Cuba Gooding Jr.). He soon learns that appearances can be deceptive, however, and that his new world may not be as simple as it seems. He soon learns that the one thing that could convince him to leave the safety of his new world has come to pass. He must make a perilous journey to save someone close to his heart. On that journey, he will heal many of the wounds he still carries from his earthly life, as well as learn everything he needs to know about his new world.

Edition Details
Edition Special Edition
Barcode 025192267826
Region Region 1
Release Date 1/7/2003
Packaging Jewel Case
Screen Ratio Theatrical Widescreen (2.35:1)
Subtitles French; Spanish; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Surround [English]
Layers Single Side, Dual Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Interactive Menus Director's Commentary About The Visual Effects Making Of Featurette Alternate Ending Photo Gallery Cast & Crew Biographies & Filmographies Production Information Theatrical Trailers DVD-Rom Features Include: Wallpaper For Windows 95/98 Macintosh Desktop Images THX Certified