DVD 84 mins IMDB 2.4
R (Restricted)
Monster High
Sony Pictures (1989)
In Collection

Seen It:
Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction
USA  /  English

Dean Iandoli Norm Median
Diana Frank Candice Cain
David Marriott Mr. Armageddon
Robert Lind Dume
Sean Haines Glume
Doug Kerzner Orson Davis
Bob Cady Mr. Jon Doe / Monster in Charge
Susan Smeltzer Miss Anna Thorpe
David Fuhrer Mel Anoma
Margie Stein Slisa Beealzeberg
D.J. Kerzner
Robert M. Lind

Director Rudiger Poe; Rudy Poe
Producer Eric Bernt; Tom Kuhn; Annette Cirillo
Writer Roy Langsdon; John Platt

Two high school goofs steal an explosive device from another world that has been hidden on earth, and an alien named Mr. Armageddon is sent to retrieve it from them. |

Edition Details
Barcode 043396093881
Region Region 1
Release Date 10/4/2005
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3, Letterboxed)
Subtitles English; Japanese
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Features Not Specified